Blue Highway

Blue Highway Video With Gaven Largent on Dobro

This is the first Blue Highway video I have seen since young Gaven Largent took over the dobro spot from Rob Ickes. 

Some BIG shoes to fill but I believe Gaven is up to the task. 

One of my favorite tunes from these guys, have seen them play it live several times: "Sycamore Hollow." Or as Shawn Lane pronounces, "Sycamore Holler.

Gaven Largent joins Blue Highway

This is great news for both Blue Highway and Gaven Largent! Gaven has been a regular at previous Resosummits, where he has impressed me with his speed and skill. I look forward to seeing what they'll all do together.

Blue Highway at Isis

I got a chance to catch Rob and Blue Highway at Isis in Asheville this past Friday. What tadalafil an awesome show. The more I listen to their latest project, the more I love it - especially "There's Been A Change of Faith in Tennessee".

New Blue Highway: The Game

So we're prednisone driving home to Boston from a gig in Providence late last night (early this morning) with Sirius - Bluegrass Junction on the radio, and I hear a Blue Highway song I've never heard before. Just beautiful, with Shawn singing, blended instruments in the background, kind of a new sound for BH. Then Rob takes a break and WOW, a beautiful laid-back (but really rich) solo, plus some great fills. The song is All The Things You Do, and it turns out that the album they've been working on is finished. Where's the buzz? Nothing on the band's site, but I see from BG Today that the album, The Game is scheduled for release next week. I'll be waiting at iTunes. Just what we need this time of year!

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