
Aura Pedal Settings Questions

Please see my questions below regarding Fishman JD model Aura pedal settings. I'm using a Beard R model (USA) with Fishman Nashville Saddle pickup installed by Beard Guitar in 2014.  The Aura pedal was purchased new in 2014.


1. Trim setting

Aura User Guide page 11 states: “Raiser or lower trim to optimize the input level for your pickup. Play hard and adjust trim so clip/batt LED flashes occasionally.”

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SOLD - Beard adjustable spider bridge



I'm selling my spare Beard Adjustable No 14 Spider.  The spider is in like new condition.  I'll throw in the Jerry Douglas Fishman pickup that is mounted in it.  The pickup works great on the top 5 strings but the 6th string signal is about 50% low.  Take it away for $55 shipped in the continental US.  I can do Paypal payment if you want to go that route.  PM me or send an e-mail to johnowen57 at gmail.



Pedalboard Pre-Amp/DIs' Pros and Cons

I'm putting together a small pedalboard and can use some input on preamps/DIs...

I know that the Radial PZ-Pre has gotten good reviews here but then I have also read a lot of comments from folks who don't like its sound. So, what are you all using and what has your experience been?

I'm using the Fishman Nashville pickup and JD Aura pedal and don't need to to have a rig where I can use more than one instrument. What I do need is for it to play well with effects pedals and, ideally, have both a pre and post effects low Z send. A dedicated tuner out would also be helpful. Most important to me, though, will be the combination of sound quality and durability.

Who's got ideas?

GoldTone PBSD w/ Beard Setup, HSC, & Fishman pickup (passive) - SOLD


Up for sale is a Gold Tone PBSD.  I bought this reso used in 2012 and immediately took it up to Paul Beard and let his people set it up, install screenless sound rings, and a Fishman pickup (passive).  It has the setup sticker on the inside, visible if you look in the treble sound hole.  It is a great reso!!!  I've played it beside some solid wood/handmade models and it held it's tadalafil own, and in one case blew one out of the water. 

I am selling this reso because I have one ordered.  I'm moving to a L Body otherwise I'd be staying with the PBSD.  I honestly have been debating keeping it, but my wife says, "Why do you need two dobros??".  I could come up with a few reasons.  I actually had her convinced for a second, but I want this guitar to go to a home that will give it the attention it deserves.  I barely have time to practice as it is, so I know that I wouldn't be able to keep up with a love triangle between the PBSD and the prednisone L Body..

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