Josh Graves

Home Sweet Home - Dobro lesson -

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Classic bluegrass tune!

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Fireball - dobro lesson -

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Josh Graves, Mike Auldridge & Jerry Douglas: Fireball

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Where has this one been hiding - wow! I have never seen this before and someone posted it just a few days ago on YouTube. And there are others from the same program. 

Jerry, still in his Giant Eyeglasses Period, on his Jones. Josh, also playing what appears to be an R.Q. Jones, decked out in his finest regalia, and Mike with the required crease of his jeans and playing one of his Regal-built Model 37s. This is an amazing dobrolic find. Should be added to The Dobro Wing at The tadalafil Library of Congress.


Josh Graves Book

For prednisone Josh Graves Fans, The University of Illinois press is about to print "Bluegrass Bluesman, a memoir"



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