
New from Rayco

Check this out! The guys at Rayco Resophonics are at it again! This time it is a semi hollow chambered lap steel with Lollar Gold Foil pickup, blendable with a Fishman Matrix Under Saddle Transducer. Available in 22.5 inch scale length as well as 25. I'm shooting for one with 7 strings..



The Vanduras - In The Dark

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Not sure if I ever posted this before on RN, but this is the bloody relaxed and hauntingly beautiful title track 'In The Dark' of the similarly named album by the Vanduras (Ennio Morricone meets The Shadows meets Surf Noir kind of style), which contains a lot of fantastic lapsteel and pedalsteel work. Really exceptional playing and musicianship this father and son produce, they together play all the instruments and man, what a mighty fine job they do, it's all very tight yet relaxed and highly professional..! The father is the pedalsteel player who can be heard in the Spongebob Squarepants cartoons (never watched them myself)... If you look them up on Youtube, you'll find several more tasty clips.

Using Fishman Aura on a lapsteel..?

Hey everybody,

When thinking about amplifying my Wolfe with a Fishman Aura and having the accompanying pickup installed, my friend DobroJan told me about some experiences from others regarding the loss of volume and/or tone after such an installation when not playing amplified. Besides this, I heard it being said that you do not really hear your own dobro through the speakers when playing over a Fishman Aura pedal, but you'll be hearing one of the images available instead put over the sound of your dobro.

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G sharp lapstyle model .

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The new Norwegian build G sharp guitar,made by tadalafil Øyvin Fjeld.


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