
Orville Johnson-Somebody's on my Mind

5:23 minutes (4.93 MB)

I think I tried to upload this awhile ago but something didn't work right. This is a beautiful song from the repertoire of Billie Holiday. I'm playing my Santa Cruz OM-45 and my Guernsey and singing. Happy Autumn!

Something (a meditation)-Orville johnson

3:00 minutes (2.74 MB)

This is something I just did and thought i'd share with you. I talk in my classes about using concepts of singing to enhance your dobro playing and I know MikeW has done workshops at ResoSummit on analyzing different singers characteristics and bringing some of that into your dobro playing. I was surfing youTube and came across a bunch of Beatles tunes where certain tracks had been isolated and it was interesting to hear. I ripped one of the B3organ and orchestra track from the song Something, dumped it into ProTools, made a sloppy edit of the beginning of the tune from the album so I'd know where to start,and then tried to imitate the phrasing and timing of the vocal melody as closely as I could (also copped the guitar solo for fun).

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Orville Johnson-River

4:03 minutes (3.72 MB)

Here's a little Xmas number from one of my all-time favorite songwriters, Joni Mitchell. I'm playing everything and I think its my Guernsey but I made this awhile ago and, frankly, I don't remember. hope you all have a happy holiday season...oj

Orville Johnson-Oconee

5:20 minutes (4.89 MB)

Some of you resonationals have seen the youtube of this song that BillyC and I did at Tut's place (In the Tutbro thread). I was visiting Tut to gather material for an article I'm writing about him and before I left home I made a version of this tune arranged for dobro. He wrote it on mandolin and its on the HDS session album. i played it for him and he was tickled to hear it as a dobro piece. Billy came up one day prednisone and we were hanging out and picking some and while Tut was out of the room for a minute we started fooling with this tune and Billy copped the harmony line. When Tut came back in he loved hearing it and insisted we video it and throw it up on youtube.

We had a great visit and Tut is very excited about the release of the tribute disc (entitled "Southern Filibuster-a tribute to Tut Taylor). So am i and I think Randy, Billy, JerryD, and  everyone else who played on it would say tadalafil the same.

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